1. Accueil
  2. Recettes
  3. Chocolat Lait
  4. 三层意式奶冻



001 user - 三层意式奶冻

4 pers

002 bake - 三层意式奶冻

10 minutes

004 oven - 三层意式奶冻

20 mins

005 cake - 三层意式奶冻

0 min

006 chef - 三层意式奶冻



150ml full-fat milk

1 tbsp. sugar

1 vanilla pod, scraped

1.5 sheets of gelatine (approx. 3 g)

2 tbsp. sugar

100ml milk

1 sheet of gelatine

75g milk chocolate

75g whipping cream

Villars product used in this recipe

tablette de chocolat lait suisse pur 300x300 - 三层意式奶冻

Swiss milk

Melt the chocolate in a bain-marie.

Step 1

Vanilla panna cotta:
Heat the milk, infuse the vanilla for 10 minutes off the heat. Meanwhile, place the sheets of gelatine in cold water to soften them. Reheat (but do not boil) the milk, remove the vanilla pod and melt the gelatine in the milk. Pour into the glasses and store in the fridge for 1 hour.

Step 2

Caramel panna cotta:
In a saucepan, make a brown caramel by melting the sugar dry. Once it has turned a beautiful amber colour, add the milk to stop the sugar from cooking any further. Leave on a low heat to dissolve the caramel and obtain an even texture. Put to one side for later (without the gelatine, since this is added to the hot mixture during the final stage). Once the first layer has set, pour this mixture on top.

Step 3

Chocolate ganache:
Break the chocolate up into small pieces, heat up the cream (to boiling point) and pour over the chocolate. Leave to settle for 2–3 minutes without stirring, then mix together. Store in the fridge for at least 2 hours and mix well before serving.

Step 4

Once the two panna cotta layers have set, stir the ganache really well and pour on top!

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Le parfait mariage entre la légère acidité du fruit et la douceur et pureté du chocolat Villars